The History of U.S. WEED CHANNEL is a shining example of how one mans indomitable spirit can change the world for millions.

From absolutely harrowing to incredibly inspiring. The epic story of our Founder, Shane Doull, to ‘burn the barriers to Cannabis-Media’ will make you a believer!

Dec, 23 2010 – Orange County Sheriffs falsely arrest Shane for operating Grand Daddy Phoenix.


Jan, 2011 – Shane contacts every local media outlet and CANNABIS support group for assistance…gets zero replies, learns the hard lesson that ‘CANNABIS has no Voice In Media.’


March, 2011 – San Diego Sheriffs Invade the home of Shane and his new love for Cultivation. Sheriffs steal all the business assets. Shane is forced to ‘live in a van down by the river!’


May, 2011 – Shane recovers from homeless with assistance from friends Ilene and Chris, but is forever changed recognizing the corruption of the Sheriffs, District Attorney’s, and the Judges that allow families like his to be destroyed every day illegally for CANNABIS.


Oct, 2011 – Shane sees dozens of good people in court for CANNABIS only waiting to lose. He becomes determined to create a Voice For CANNABIS that can shed light on corruption, and provide safety for those subjected to it.


Nov, 2011 –  Friend Geneveive informs Shane ‘I heard about this thing called Roku where anyone can make a channel.’ THANK YOU, GENEVEIVE!


Dec, 2012 – Shane creates Assets and 8-shows and a great plan…and submits a request to Roku for approval of a ‘Public Access CANNABIS Lifestyle Channel’.


Jan, 2012 – Roku says…”No.” Shane writes the diplomacy letter of his life, explaining the drugs, gore, and ungodly things available via other channels on Roku. Explains the wholesome programming and the protections he wants to create.




April 10, 2012 – Shane films the pilot for 420 Honeys! The loser sends her BF to steal Shanes plants. The Neighbor calls 911. The Riverside County Sheriffs let criminals steal Shanes legal CANNABIS plants…and do not tell Shane.


April 14, 2012 – Shane finds out, calls Sheriff and demands “to speak with the Sheriff who colluded with criminals to facilitate the theft of his private property?’ and is immediately threatened with arrest.


April 15, 2012 – Shane writes every local paper about the abuses of Riverside County Sheriff…one reporter replies with a link to internal affairs with a statement ‘Start your paper trail now!’ (I wish I had that email to THANK that reporter.)


April 16, 2012 – Officer Green (Not kidding!) from Riverside County Sheriff Internal Affairs takes the information to avoid a retaliation arrest. Instead, starts 3-week vacation


April 20, 2012 – Riverside County Sheriff Invade and Arrest Shane for cultivation, after they allow criminals to steal his plants and Shane opened an Internal Affairs investigation.


May, 2012 – Shane regains some sanity with lifelong friend Jeff. (What’s up, Hey-rider!)


Jan 2013 – San Diego County Sheriff Dropped charges. No evidence of criminal activity. Shane’s licenses are found legal.


July 2013 – Riverside County Sheriff are caught by Internal Affairs! And, the Criminals are arrested, charged, brought to trial, and made to pay restitution. Shane creates multiple court precedence for California Courts for stolen CANNABIS…and his guns were returned. ‘Merica!


August 17, 2013 – Orange County Sheriffs, District Attorney, and faux Judge John Adams LOSE a 7-day, illegally held, superior court trial. Shane steps on to their home-field to play their game for the first time…and WINS HARD! Shane Steven Doull becomes the first American to receive a unanimous ‘Not Guilty’ verdicts for Dispensary Operation.


May 4, 2014 – U.S. WEED CHANNEL launches on ROKU! Reckless and headlong into every possible pitfall. Shane files and fights for the right TO APPLY for America’s first ‘openly-CANNABIS’ Intellectual Properties. Shane withstands 5 ‘arguments’ from the USPTO…becomes the first American citizen to win that argument and submit 5 applications for Intellectual properties.


July, 2014 through Nov, 2021 – 7- years of bad launches, bad luck, bad teammates, evil financial plots, …Holy Cow! You name the lesson, Shane, and USWC lived it. While experiencing ZERO support for his historic endeavor from CANNABIS brands, industry leaders, support groups, personal relationships, family, or close friends…and having no mentors to learn from…Shane persisted.


Dec, 2021 – The United States Patent and Trademark Office issued AMERICA’S FIRST OPENLY-CANNABIS PUBLICLY OWNED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES to USWC Media!


Feb, 2022 – Shane uses the IP to negotiate ‘Approval to Monetize’ with Roku! (The Dragon was RELEASED!)


March 2022 – Roku invites U.S. WEED CHANNEL, now in over 170,000 homes, to be in their Beta group of 100 Global Publishers. U.S. WEED CHANNEL accepts and relaunches GLOBALLY to 145 COUNTRIES! U.S. WEED CHANNEL is the first global CANNABIS Publisher!


The rest of 2022 – Shane uses USWC Intellectual Properties to negotiate Approvals Across The Board! Social Media, OTT Platforms, Mobile App Stores, Every Advertising Medium, and even Payment Processors.


Oct, 2022 through May 2023 – Shane negotiates approval as Newchip Business Accelerator’ first CANNABIS-related attendee, graduates, and becomes certified to raise capital via their Seed And Series A cohort.


April, 2024 – USWC Media, LLC. Opens its $3,000,000 Seed Round to Investors.


July, 2024 – U.S. WEED CHANNEL streaming applications and FAST channels are LIVE on every major player, and can be viewed on any internet-connected device worldwide.


Today – You can be a part of this amazing story of perseverance and American history in both Media and CANNABIS!


Meet Shane Doull, Founder

Our Founder, Shane Doull, started America’s first legal mobile Weed Delivery Store, Grand Daddy Phoenix. When he was falsely arrested three things happened: he realized ‘CANNABIS Doesn’t Have A Voice’, the courts were a scam against law-abiding families, and a judge would break the law to get a guilty verdict…and he decided things needed changing.


14Years of Experience